Pistol 2 & Rifle 2 Intermediate /Advance
Prerequisite: Basic Safety Course Pistol 1 & Rifle 1
About This Course
Who should take this course: students that have completed the intro courses to pistol and carbine/Rifles. Course Description: This 8-hour course is an intermediate to advanced pistol/rifle shooting course that builds on the skills learned in the Basic Pistol & Rifle 1 course. You will learn the ‘how’ and ‘why.’ Students will learn defensive and unconventional shooting techniques required in a self-defense situation. While maintaining shooting fundamentals, students will be presented with numerous shooting drills, injected malfunctions and movement practices, and engaging multiple targets and threats. After completing the course, the student will receive a certificate of completion from BLACK ARROW DEFENSE ACADEMY. Prerequisite: Proof of Shooting Experience Completed Basic Pistol/Rifle Course (or) Former Military or L.E. Course Outline: Part I Firearm Safety Rules review Safe Handling of Firearms review Intermediate shooting techniques Threat-focused shooting Engaging threats to the left/right and rear Part II Situation Awareness exercises Threat Identification/PID exercises Intermediate barricade exercises and movement Stress and disorientation exercises Introduction to team movement exercises Advanced Training Opportunity Class Required: Students Your own firearm 400 rounds of commercial ammunition 4 magazines 5 ‘Snap Caps’ (Caliber of your firearm) Eyes and ears protection Snacks/food if on a special diet (Lunch provided $$) A good mental attitude Wear comfortable clothing: Low cut shirts are not advisable Wear shoes instead of sandals Wear long pants instead of shorts Bring knee-pads if you have them.